"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

Mmmm... 31. On my 31st birthday I had balloons, cake, chinese food, an impomptu wine tasting, phone calls, cards, gift cards, flowers, chocolates and many well wishes. I was spoiled. And then again today! Why have a birthday, when you can have a birthday weekend?
I think I topped all previous social engagment records today. And helped create a book club! Met for brunch with my grandmother, mother and aunt in Point Grey at 1pm. I had oatmeal and everyone seemed upset by this. The oatmeal had almonds, glazed walnuts and cranberries in it, and came with a fruit salad. Is this not appealing? A pink balloon was adhered to our table and I lamented, "Twice in two days!" and started to scour the restaurant for my coworkers. Had an enjoyable brunch and then had creme brulee. I LOVE CREME BRULEE. And - apparently - 31 years old is not the age cutoff for a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday". Sweet.
Met up with N and Po for coffee at 3:30 in Kits. A couple of cops sat next to us. I screamed, "Don't taser me!". Okay, I didn't. We talked about books. We talked about book clubs. I said, "We should create a book club" and they said, "okay". We now have a book club that will meet the third Wednesday of every month: the invitation is open to everyone, so if you want to join give me a shout. We also a need a name and I suggested "the dorks", but that wasn't well received. I think I shall put forth "the D. H. Lawrence motherfuckers" and see how that flies. Seriously. The guy was inordinately close to his mother, though an adept and intimate (and somewhat feminist) writer.
Had some time to kill so called my friend C and we met for a beer at the Beagle. He has yet to see my new place and had planned to come over this upcoming Monday. I told him of my impending 42" television arrival and he indicated that he might not be able to make it Monday, but will likely be available in 2-3 weeks as he was under the impression that I already had the television.
Then, because I have missed it so much, I went to the Cheshire Cheese with L, whom I have not seen in over a month. Always so, so good to catch up with her. The place was packed! There were attractive men there under the age of fifty! Yeah, wait until I leave Kerrisdale, I fumed. And they had my favourite beer (Granville Island Winter Ale) so I was happy. Remember the year I stockpiled it? That was awesome. Look, any time there is a successful merger of beer and caramel you can count me in!
So it was the best day ever. Maybe I did see my nana in her pantyhose in a change room. And maybe my mom carried around a frying pan for part of the afternoon. And perhaps I felt somewhat belittled when the waiter asked if I wanted to take my balloon with me. Possibly I felt pressured into joining a roller derby. And I need to buy a .22 for C for his birthday so we can ride around in his truck and shoot squirrels in North Vancouver (it's absolutely number one on my to do list). I got to back to my old stomping ground for dinner and it was halfway decent! But oh my god, I had the best day. I love and cherish all the people that I saw today and I got to go from one place to another and spend time with them on a sunny winter day in Vancouver.
The flip side? I got to bed at 1am last night and I'm bagged, so I shall miss tomorrow's clinic at 8am.
The flip, flip side? I don't have to run in the freezing cold at 8am tomorrow morning.
I can do what I want: it's my birthday weekend!

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