"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Sunday, November 18, 2007


So. It is 10pm and I'm 90% done as far as the condo is concerned. Michael and I (yes, he came back for a third day of punishment - after getting up to run 10k at 8am this morning, no less) wrapped up the final "big ticket" items at around 5 today. We assembled my chest of drawers - which didn't fit into my closet as I had hoped - and my new bed. We grabbed some sushi and I think I sat down and ate a meal like a normal person for the first time in 72 hours. Then, because our backs are totally thrashed, we watched "The Big Chill".
I recommend "The Big Chill" for those who haven't seen it. Everyone is in it: Kevin Kline, Glen Close, William Hurt, Tom Berenger, Meg Tilly and Jeff Goldblum. It was, ironically, about a group of friends that come together over a funeral and try and reconcile their liberal pasts to their current situations, as well as trying to reconnect and have some good, clean, drug induced fun. Some good one liners, some good acting and some fantastic music. It was kind of the perfect movie to kick off this new, drug induced phase in my life. Okay, scratch the drug induced bit. The most trouble I can get into in this building is having one too many sherries with the elders over a game of bridge. Although I did find out where the rapscallions hang out to escape the rain and smoke the other day. So they're 15 years younger than me...
It's a bit anticlimactic for me right now. I just got everything more or less the way I want it (it's still a bit messy as you can see from the pictures) and I don't have time to enjoy it: it's back to work tomorrow. I wish tomorrow was Saturday and that all my friends could come over and visit because I miss everyone and I'd love to have you over and I really need to have some fun. Just don't chip the granite and no red wine over the white wool rug.
Okay. I guess I should go to bed now but I feel weird. Up until tonight I feel as though I was merely "crashing" here: my bed was on the floor, everything was in boxes and nothing was situated correctly. Now it's all together and all I really need to do is hang a few pictures. I will sleep in my new bed tonight and pull underwear and - hopefully - matching socks out of a dresser drawer tomorrow morning. I will have breakfast, seated, and may even read a bit.
Thanks for all your phone calls and emails over the weekend, it was really appreciated. I really hope you can all make it out next Saturday day whether for half an hour or for many hours. Maybe we can all huddle on my bed and watch "The Big Chill". Cause yes, my t.v. is still in my bedroom.
Some things don't change, I guess.
So this is me. Feeling like an official Central Lonsdale resident. DuderTown. And I know where my pants are.

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