"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Thursday, November 15, 2007

(Wet) homeowner

It is done. I have never signed so much paperwork in such a short amount of time before. And the mortgage came through so thankfully I didn't have to hit my mom up for the balance. As I was signing the documents the notary would give me a brief run down of what each one was. It went something like this: "This confirms there are no mortgages or liens against the property. This one gives your bank the right to vote at strata meetings. This one is a commitment for you to remain celibate for a year. And this one gives a camera crew the right to follow you around for three months for a reality t.v. show called 'Is This Girl for Real?'".
Now I have a headache and am hooped up on coffee and a fat-laden, sugar filled muffin from Starbucks. Mmmm, good! Look, I can only eat so much canned salmon and tomato soup, alright?
It was somewhat of a bittersweet ride home on the bus. Everything in Vancouver was endearing to me. I started to miss all the long runs throughout Vancouver. I miss Granville Island, Spanish Banks, Stanley Park, Caffe Barney, the Jazz Cellar, the Reagle Beagle, Kits Beach, walking all over the city, 5th Avenue Cinemas, UBC, the endowment lands, my sushi place, the people at Rogers, my bus driver, the skunk that always walks between my building and the next one and sprays at midnight for some bizarre reason, brunch at the Sunset Grill, Kits. Kidding: I will never miss Kits or its inhabitants. And though I love Kerrisdale, there have been some weird happenings. A couple of shootings in the area (drug lords like to live in nice places too, I suppose). The erection of 5955 Balsam (http://www.kerrisdaleliving.com) and the upcoming Kerry (www.kerry.ca). I mean, that's just taking this whole creme de la creme thing a bit too far.
So yeah. There we have it. Sad to leave, but looking forward to starting a new phase in my life. Picking up my running again. Meeting new people. Maybe cultivating a healthy relationship with a cute boy. What? It could happen.
I think I got my karma back.

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