"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thank you. I can't get off the conveyor belt.

Thank you for updating your passports, getting your inoculations, wrestling with public transit and making it out to see me today. And for bringing gifts! Very unanticipated, thoughtful and greatly appreciated.
Today was my mom's first viewing of the condo. She spent an hour and a half on public transit getting here, hung out for three hours and then headed back. So she spent three hours on the bus to spend three hours with me. And she brought me homemade cookies! I took her and Michael out for lunch and before she left she said, "Thanks for lunch". I said, "Thanks for the condo". I think we're square now.
Then Michael hung out with me and we spent a long time trying to figure out how in the hell my washer/dryer combo works. He desperately wanted to leave since he is definitely getting sick of my company, but was not so heartless as to leave me before Big D showed up. We all chatted for a while and were then joined by P, and a little later by M and a couple of my coworkers, one of whom seems to be pushing for a game of Twister at the office. I'd be all for it, as long as I could choose the people with whom I would be entangling my limbs.
I was informed that someone had added their name and buzzer number on the card that Michael had made for me (after I sent everyone the wrong buzzer number, of course). Usurpers! Hangers on! Get your own business card and tape!
N and Skyhammer showed up, my coworkers left, Typewriter arrived and we got into Roborally. Okay. I admit it: I don't know my left from my right at the best of times and perhaps I had to quantify several times which way I was supposed to turn my robot when I got yet another "Turn left" card, but it was really hard to concentrate given that I was being repeatedly decimated by a laser from Big D. Po was on the verge of tears. Skyhammer encouraged me with great, exaggerated winks to "power down" since I was about to, you know, die and Typewriter managed to program his robot off the board entirely. Twice.
It was a great night. I look forward to having everyone that couldn't make it tonight over in the coming weeks. I had fun. Now people have seen the digs, have a better understanding of the space that I currently inhabit, and realize what an utter pain in the ass it is to get here. Ah, but it was worth it, no? The wine? The cheese? Getting shot in the back by your friends? Everyone is always welcome here, though I'm sure they know that. Though given my new proximity in what is practically another time zone, I shall take the opportunity to meet you all after work downtown more often, since that's rather central.
So thank you to everyone that showed up: I enjoyed seeing each and every one of you and I had a great time, even if I spent an inordinate amount of time on the conveyor belt.

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