"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Vote early, vote often

Well, it's nice to know that, if my blog readers do choose to visit me in Central Lonsdale, it is likely that they'll be pantless. It should make for an interesting house warming party.
Went for dinner with Michael in North Van last night. We went to pub that we'd been to a couple of times before. Everywhere we go now he says, "This is your stomping ground. This is where you can have your hangover recovery breakfasts. This is where you can have coffee with your friends." Also, I think he's jealous of my proximity to the Buy Low. If I run out of anything I can make it to the Buy Low, pick up said item and be back in my apartment in ten minutes. I'm going to do it a lot. In my pajamas. Maybe fresh from the shower donning a robe and with a towel on my head. It'll be like the time at the Fairmont Chateau Whistler when ding! the elevator door opened and this guy in a fluffy white robe with a drink in his strolled out into the lobby.
Packed more shit. I have a lot of shit. Was happy to see that the landlord took away one of the giant blinds that I was originally supposed to clean. It was broken and I kind of begged off. How was I supposed to clean it? It didn't fit into the tub. It would have taken for frickin' ever to do it slat by slat. I mean, I suppose I could have done it, but the more likely scenario would be that I would make my mom do it when she helps me do the final clean on Friday. What!? She's not too old for hard labour!
Yeah. That's kind of it. I'm a bit tired and I've run out of boxes to pack. And I don't have any blinds on my big living room window so I'm pretty sure that everyone in the building across the street is staring at me and scrutinizing my every move. Cause if I don't have any plans on a Saturday night, it's not possible for anyone else to have any. And I'm really entertaining to watch. There was the packing bit, the scrubbing bit, the clothes folding time, then some excitement when the smoke detector went off as I was making dinner. Then me sitting at my kitchen table reading and eating - that must've set them all a-twitter.
I guess I should get back to it. There is still more weeding out and paring down to be done. You can sit outside and watch me, if you wish.

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