"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A forcible diet

Hm. I haven't seen any action since September. That's awesome. I feel like crying from time to time these days. I wonder if the two are related.
Also? My landlord left me a note and said I don't need to clean the fridge or stove, just the faucets in the bathroom, wipe down the cupboards and (ergh!) clean the windows and blinds. The blinds are disgusting, all full of soot and grime from the outside world. Encroaching on my pristine living space. Bastards. Oh... my mind wanders a bit more these days, too. Plus, things are ending up in boxes and I just know I'm going to be in dire need of something and it'll be in the last box I rummage through.
I have a lot of salmon, pasta, oatmeal and chicken broth in the cupboards and I endeavor to eat it before I move. Oh, and tomato soup. So I may lose those five pounds after all. Bleh!!
Am coming across interesting items as I literally clean house. I came across this card from my mom and I swear to god, it said something like, "We're so glad that you're back. The peace and silence was deafening in your absence and your brother and I really missed fighting with you. We missed having to tip toe around in the morning so as not to incur your wrath". What!? That must've been after my first crash and burn relationship when I moved back home because I was lonely. And had no one to fight with, apparently. Then I found a bumper sticker that said, "I'm not opinionated. I'm just always right". Wow. People sure did have me pegged ten years ago. I think I've mellowed though (see prior blog about not hitting anyone with nunchucks).
Also found a couple of joint credit cards from when Michael and I got a line of credit together. I left a message for him to call me back on a couple of things. I think that, if he doesn't call by 8pm, it's fair game for me to rack the credit cards up and leave the country. Ha. It would be funny though, him calling me one day and saying "Um, I got this $6,000 credit card bill for what looks like a stay in a high end spa in the Napa Valley with charges at every winery in a ten mile radius. Would you know anything about that?".
Yeah. I'm getting kind of sad though. It's a big change, this. A seven year chunk of my life here. It was the best apartment. I covered a lot of ground here. Quit Hudd, got my diploma, started running, ran a marathon, turned 30, contemplated marriage, got my tubes tied, saw other people get married, worked part time, travelled, volunteered, entered the wonderful world of dating, rediscovered my friends, found cool music and books. And the apartment was always quiet and I got away with sometimes playing my music too loud, having people over too late, having different men come and go on various Sunday mornings, smoking a nice amount of pot, napping after long runs and reading Vanity Fair in the tub for prolonged periods of time. I know this is absolutely corny, but this apartment was like a content, non-judgemental, welcoming, embracing friend that was just always there and that I was always so happy to come home to. Yeah. I actually think I will cry when I leave. I'm embarassed to admit that I'm growing a little misty right now. But then we've discussed one of the reasons why I might be a little more sentimental these days.
Speaking of (non) action. Sat near the cute Japanese book reader on the bus again. Totally didn't even look at him. I frickin' rock. He has a cool jacket.

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